January 10, 2011

Household tips to be a kid!

1. Turn on the volume on your favorite playlist. It would really help if you like Rock n Roll or Metal. Go crazy! Mosh with your furniture.

2. Be a potato - For an entire day. Do not change out of those boxers. Grab the remote and watch reality shows all day. You won't like them. But the feeling of having done nothing all day reminds of those good old times.

3. Be the mechanic - We all have done this as kids. Pick up that remote controlled car and open it. Figure out it works on an electric motor connected to some plastic gears (something you already know) and feel the happiness of Colombus.

4. Watch a movie - Gather your friends. Watch a movie while gobbling samosas and pop corn without shelling out half of Kenya's GDP. A random english action movie should work just fine!

5. While you are at the single screen theatre, do NOT carry your cell phone, blackberry, smart phone, dedh shaana phone, et al. Try remembering your friend's numbers and co-ordinate using PCOs.

1 comment:

  1. I like the advice. My sanity depends on how often I can go back to my roots.
