About me

Name: Tarun Firodiya
Men/ Women/ Both: Women

Single or Wasted: ...hicupp!

Dream Job: Motoring journalism

1) Motion (the one from Physics)
2) Spending time with friends
3) Work
4) Good marketing
Hates: many more things than loves
1) Waiting in line
2) Undeserving people getting stuff I deserve (Hate you Gates!)
3) Poverty
4) War (though, army men are the real James Bonds)  
5) Filling forms / clerical jobs
6) Crowded places (yes, Mumbai does that to you)

1) Technology                     
2) Brain teasers
3) IQ importance
4) Good Hindi music

Favorite Word: Oing!

I have many things to do, am just a little lazy to get up and do them. I have no idea where I am going, the journey is good so far!
(All the lists above are illustrative only.)